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Presence of the methane gas responsible for planet mars to hot|

American researchers found out that the presence of the methane ,carbon dioxide and hydrogen gases mechanism on the planet mars produces amount of heat that helps planet to retain the water on its surface that helpful for the researchers to found the life out of the earth.

Harvard john a paulson school of engineering and applied science researchers stated primarily the presence of the green house gases on the planet makes mars very hot because proof of the existence of the rivers found out on the mars. That water arrived there approximately 3 to 4 million years ago and at that time mars might be too cold that is not let water to flow because at that time sun was might be 30% less hot. That causes solar rays to not properly reach up to the surface of the mars. Now a days researchers struggling to know that how mars becomes hot.

That research is very helpful to researchers to know about the mars and its atmosphere to understand the solar system and find life out of the solar system.

Today 95% carbon dioxide present in the mars and in the earth green house gas into the excess 

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