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Do you know Members of the solar system - The earth?

  • Earth is the largest of the inner planets.

  • The earth is 23 ½ degree tilted on its axis and thus makes 66 ½ degree angle.

  • It takes 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.091 second to rotate on its axis.

  • It takes 365 days, 5 hour and 48 minutes to revolve around the sun.

  • Earth is known as the “watery planet” or the “blue planet” due to the presence of huge amount of water on it.

  • Earth is the only known planet which provides sustenance or life on it. It has a large quantity of oxygen which supports life.

  • The Earth has all the essential elements like carbon (in the form of co2), hydrogen (h2), nitrogen(n2) and oxygen (o2) which act as building blocks for the origin of life.

  • The earth is neither too hot nor too cold. It has ‘goldilock zone’.

  • ‘goldilock zone’ is the habitable zone of solar system where all conditions are available for life to sustain.

  • The earth has a lot of water in the form of lakes, rivers and oceans for the growth and survival of life.

  • The earth has enough oxygen gas in its atmosphere for the survival of living beings through breathing.

  • The earth has a protective blanket of ozone layer high up in its atmosphere to save life from the harmful ultraviolet radiations coming from the sun.

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