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Do you know members of the solar system - moon?

  • The moon is the only satellite of the earth.

  • It has a diameter of 3475 km. and its circumference is 10864 km. while its orbit is elliptical.

  • The maximum distance (apogee) of the moon from the earth is 4,06,000 km. and the minimum distance (perigee) is 3,64,000 km.

  • It takes 27 days, 7 hour and 43 minutes to rotate on its axis (this period of about 27 ½ days is called the sidereal month) and approximately the same period of time it takes to revolve around the earth. 

  • The moon’s period of revolution with reference to the sun is about 29.53 days (29 days 12 hour 44 minutes and 2.8 seconds).this period is called a synodic month.

  • Only 59% of the total surface of the moon is visible from the earth.

  • The bright part of the moon is full of mountains whereas the dark patches are the low lying plains
  • ‘sea of tranquility’ made of the plain of dust particles, is on the rear side of the moon, which always remains dark.

  • The highest mountain on the moon is liebuity maintain, which is 10,660 meter high.

  • The moon has no atmosphere , no twilight and no sound.

  • The temperature during the daytime is about 100 degree c and during night it drops down to about -180 degree c.

  • The light from the moon takes 1.3 seconds to reach the earth.

  • The size of the moon is one-fourth (1/4th) the size of the earth.

  • Gravitational pull of the moon is one-sixth (1/6th) that of the earth.

  • Mainly silicon, iron, magnesium etc. elements are found on the moon’s surface.

  • The study of the moon is called “selenology”.

  • Moon is also known as the fossil planet.

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