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Do you know members of the solar system - Uranus?

  • Uranus is about four times the size of the earth. This planet appears greenish in color because of methane gas present in its atmosphere.

  • Uranus was discovered in 1781 by sir William hersiel.

  • Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun.

  • Uranus is the first planet to have been discovered by the use of a telescope, Uranus is the third biggest planet of the solar system.

  • Uranus is extremely cold, having surface temperature -190 degree c and is surrounded by 13 rings namely zeta/R1986U2,6,5,4, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, lambda, epsilon, nu and mu.

  • Uranus rotates from east to west on its axis, which is opposite to the other planet except Venus.

  • The axis of Uranus has large inclination so that it appears to be lying down, hence it bears the name “a planet on its side”.

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