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How scientists decode mysteries into the space?

Yes, with the help of infrared telescope to decode mysteries into the space that uses infrared light to detect the celestial bodies. The world’s largest optical and infrared telescope, that will help scientists to understand and explore the universe. Universe is currently being built in chile by the European southern observatory. The telescope has a main mirror which is 39 meters in diameter. Unique in features, the extra large telescope (ELT) is modeled as an adaptive telescope with the ability of checking and correcting atmospheric turbulence's. The giant telescope is all set for completion and launch n 2024. Scientists from oxford university are playing a major role in the ambitious project, the team is responsible for the construction and design of the telescope’s spectrograph, called ‘harmoni’, a specially developed equipment to simultaneously take almost 4,000 images, each in slightly different color tones. The near infrared instrument will provide extremely vivid images that will more magnify and that will more explore the universe. 

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