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Antenna Engineering Whole Syllabus and E-Books (Download).

Lecture 1 Introduction to Antenna theory(Introduction)

Introduction to Antenna theory(Types of Antenna)

Introduction to Antenna theory(Radiation Mechanism)


To learn the various definitions of Antenna
To learn the various  
Types of Antenna
To learn the Radiation mechanism of Antenna

Lecture 2 Introduction to Antenna theory(Current Distribution on a Thin Wire Antenna)

Introduction to Antenna theory(Smart Antennas)

Antenna parameters(Introduction)

Antenna parameters(Radiation Pattern)

Antenna parameters(Radiation Power Density)


To Learn the Current Distribution on a Thin Wire Antenna

To learn about the Smart Antennas

To Learn the introduction of fundamental parameter of Antenna 

To learn about the Radiation Pattern of Antenna

To learn about the Radiation Power Density of Antenna

Lecture 3 Antenna parameters(Radiation Power Density)

Antenna parameters(Radiation Pattern)

Antenna parameters(Introduction)


To learn about the Radiation Power Density of Antenna

To learn about the Radiation Pattern of Antenna

To Learn the introduction of fundamental parameter of Antenna 

Lecture 4 Antenna parameters(Radiation intensity)

Antenna parameters(Directivity)


To learn about the Radiation intensity of Antenna

To learn about the Directivity of Antenna

Lecture 5 Antenna parameters(Gain)


To learn about the Gain of Antenna

Lecture 6 Antenna parameters(Antenna efficiency)

Antenna parameters(Beamwidth)


To learn about the Antenna efficiency of Antenna

To learn about the Beamwidth of Antenna

Lecture 7 Antenna parameters(Bandwidth)

Polarization of Waves(Polarization)


To learn about the Bandwidth of Antenna

To learn about the Polarization of the Electromagnetic Waves  

Lecture 8 Polarization of Waves(Polarization)


To learn about the Polarization of the Electromagnetic Waves  

Lecture 9 Polarization of Waves(Linear Polarization)


To learn about the Linear Polarization of the Electromagnetic Waves  

Lecture 10 Polarization of Waves(Circular Polarization)


To learn about the Circular Polarization of the Electromagnetic Waves  

Lecture 11 Polarization of Waves(Elliptical polarization)

Polarization of Waves(Polarization loss factor)

Polarization of Waves(Polarization Efficiency)


To learn about the Elliptical polarization  of the Electromagnetic Waves  

To learn about the Polarization loss factor of the Electromagnetic Waves  

To learn about the Polarization Efficiency of the Electromagnetic Waves  

Lecture 12 Impedance of Antenna(Antenna Input Impedance)


To learn about the Antenna Input Impedance 

Lecture 13 Impedance of Antenna(Antenna Input Impedance)


To learn about the Antenna Input Impedance 

Lecture 14 Impedance of Antenna(Radiation efficiency)


To learn about the 

Radiation efficiency of the antenna

Lecture 15 Impedance of Antenna(Effective aperture)


To learn about Effective aperture of the antenna

Lecture 16 Impedance of Antenna(Antenna Temperature)


To learn about Antenna Temperature 

Lecture 17 Antenna Arrays(Introduction)

Antenna Arrays(Various Forms of Antenna Arrays)


To Learn about the Introduction of the Array of Antennas

To Learn about the Various Forms of Antenna Arrays

Lecture 18 Antenna Arrays(Arrays of Point Sources)


To Learn about the Arrays of Point Sources

Lecture 19 Antenna Arrays(Arrays of Two Point Sources with Equal Amplitude and Phase


To Learn about the 
Arrays of Two Point Sources with Equal Amplitude and Phase

Lecture 20 Antenna Arrays(Arrays of Two Point Sources with Equal Amplitude and  opposite Phase)


To Learn about the
Arrays of Two Point Sources with Equal Amplitude and opposite Phase 

Lecture 21 Antenna Arrays(Arrays of Two Point Sources with unequal Amplitude and opposite Phase)


To Learn about the 
Arrays of Two Point Sources with unequal Amplitude and opposite Phase

Lecture 22 Types of Array(Non-Isotropic But Similar Point Sources)

Types of Array(Multiplication of Pattern)


To Learn about the 
Non Isotropic But Similar Point Sources

To Learn about the 
Multiplication of Pattern

Lecture 23 Types of Array(Radiation pattern of 4 Isotropic elements fed in phase  and spaced with half wavelength apart)

Types of Array(Linear Array with n Isotropic Sources of Equal amplitude and spacing)


To Learn about the 
Radiation pattern of 4 Isotropic elements fed in phase and spaced with half wavelength apart

To Learn about the 
Linear Array with n Isotropic Sources of Equal amplitude and spacing

Lecture 24 Types of Array(Array with n Isotropic Sources of Equal amplitude and spacing(Broadside Case))

Types of Array(Array with n Isotropic Sources of Equal amplitude and spacing(End-Fire Case))


To Learn about the
Array with n Isotropic Sources of Equal amplitude and spacingBroadside Case 

To Learn about the
Array with n Isotropic Sources of Equal amplitude and spacingEndFire Case

Lecture 25 Types of Array(Binomial Arrays)

Types of Array(Dolph-Tschebyscheff Array)

Types of Array(Scanning Array)

Types of Array(Superdirective Array)


To Learn about the Binomial Arrays 

To Learn about the DolphTschebyscheff Array

To Learn about the 
Scanning Array

To Learn about the Superdirective Array

Lecture 26 Practical Antennas(Folded dipole antenna)

Practical Antennas(Yagi-Uda antenna)


To Learn about the 

Folded dipole antenna

To Learn about the

YagiUda antenna

Lecture 27 Practical Antennas(Horn antenna)

Practical Antennas(Antenna with Parabolic Reflector)


To Learn about the Horn antenna

To Learn about the Antenna with Parabolic Reflector

Lecture 28 Practical Antennas(Slot Antennas)

Practical Antennas(Microstrip Antennas)


To Learn about the Slot Antennas

To Learn about the Microstrip Antennas

Lecture 29 Radio Wave Propagation(Structure of ionosphere)


To Learn about the Structure of ionosphere 

Lecture 30 Radio Wave Propagation(propagation of radio waves through ionosphere)

Radio Wave Propagation(Refractive index of ionosphere)


To Learn about the propagation of radio waves through ionosphere

To Learn about the Refractive index of ionosphere

Lecture 31 Radio Wave Propagation(Mechanism of Radio wave bending by the ionosphere)

Radio Wave Propagation(Ground Wave Propagation)


To Learn about the Mechanism of Radio wave bending by the ionosphere

To Learn about the Ground Wave Propagation

Lecture 32 Sky Wave Propagation(SKY WAVE PROPAGATION)

Sky Wave Propagation(Virtual Height)



To Learn about the Virtual Height for sky wave propagation 

Lecture 33 Sky Wave Propagation(Critical Frequency)

Sky Wave Propagation(Maximum Usable Frequency)


To Learn about the Critical Frequency for sky wave propagation 

To Learn about the 
Maximum Usable Frequency for sky wave propagation 

Lecture 34 Sky Wave Propagation(Maximum Usable Frequency)


To Learn about the 
Maximum Usable Frequency for sky wave propagation 

Lecture 35 Sky Wave Propagation(Lowest Usable Frequency)

Sky Wave Propagation(Optimum Working Frequency)

Sky Wave Propagation(Skip Distance)


To Learn about the 
Lowest Usable Frequency for sky wave propagation 

To Learn about the Optimum Working Frequency for sky wave propagation 

To Learn about the Skip Distance for sky wave propagation 

Lecture 36 Space Wave Propagation(SPACE WAVE PROPAGATION)



Lecture 37 Space Wave Propagation(Range of Space Wave Propagation)


To Learn about the Range of Space Wave Propagation 

Lecture 38 Space Wave Propagation(Effective Earth's Radius)


To Learn about the Effective Earths Radius fr Space Wave Communication

Lecture 39 Space Wave Propagation(Filed Strength of Space Wave)


To Learn about the Filed Strength of Space Wave 

Lecture 40 Space Wave Propagation(Duct Propagation)


To Learn about the Duct Propagation

Revision of Array of Antenna  

Revision of Radio Wave Propagation 

Best Suggested Text Books for the Antenna Engineering Covering Whole Syllabus-

1 Antenna and Wave Propagation 2nd Edition of Year 2004 by K.D. Prasad Tech India Publications

2 Antenna Theory 3rd edition of Year 2005 by Constantine A. Balanis Wiley Publications

3 Antennas 3rd edition of Year 2004 by John D. Kraus, Tata McgrawHill Publications

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