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today in space history.

On April 12, 1961 is the day when somebody reached into the space and that person was non other than Yuri Gagarin on 27th march 1968 he passed away. Yuri was chosen out of the 20 pilots and gairman titov his backup pilot.

    Height matters.

     5 ft 6 inch height of this person into the consideration because of his tiny height he gets very                comfortable inside the vostok-1 passenger capsule.

    First Indian male-female.

     Male- on 3rd April 1984 Rakesh Sharma became the first person from the Indian origin that                           reached into the space.

     Female- on 19th November 1997 kalpana chawla became the first female from the Indian origin that                reached into the space.  

    40 country persons reached into the space till today.

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