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How scientists will be create a place 100 million times cooler than space ?

  • Overview - 

The extra cold space will be used to look at the bizarre ways that atoms behave when they are frozen. Nasa is about to create the coldest place in the universe. The space agency will fly a cool box sized chest up to the international space station, in which will be created a place 100 million times cooler than the depth of the space. In the box, a range of technologies will be used to cancel out the energy of the gas particles inside. By using lasers, a vacuum chamber and an electromagnetic “knife”, the particles will be slowed down until they are barely moving at all, once finished, the gas atoms inside the box will be just a billionth of a degree above absolute zero. At that state all the usual rules of physics fall away and quantum physics takes over. 

  • We have to know.

  1. 10 sec or longer bose-Einstein condensate is expected to happen in space, without gravity, the atoms will be able to hold onto longer.
  2. 95% of the universe is still blind to us with all the technologies we have till now developed said kamal oudnhiri of Nasa’s jet propulsion lab.
  3. -271 degree Celsius cold in the void of space very, very cold. A temperature that floats around (just 3 degree above the absolute zero.).

  • Strange ways of atom

Inside that box, scientists then hope to explore the strange ways that atoms behave when they are cooled very intensely. The technology that comes from that work could be put to work in a wide range of important technologies – including quantum computers, improved sensors, and the kinds of atomic clocks that are used when navigating through space.

  • Nature of gravity.

“studying these hyper-cold atoms cold reshape our understanding of matter and the fundamental nature of gravity” said CAL project scientist Robert Thompson of JPL. “the experiments we’ll do with the cold atom lab will give us insight into gravity and dark energy – some of the most pervasive forces in the universe”.

  • bose-Einstein condensate.

When the atoms start being cooled inside that box, turn into a special matter known as a bose-Einstein condensate. When that happen, the usual rules of physics are suspended, and the atoms behave more like waves. Bose-Einstein condensates have never been formed in space. Scientists have done so on earth, but they last for a moment, the pull of gravity means that the atoms fall on the ground, rather than widing those waves.

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