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NASA’s first mission solar probe on the sun.

On the very next year NASA is going to start that particular mission, representing world’s first mission on the sun. it’s nomenclature parker solar probe. derived from the Eugine parker’s name (scientist). Under the mission study of environment and atmosphere of the sun will be cover.

That particular solar probe will reach very near to the sun’s surface where the temperature is above the thousand degree, but sun’s surface is fury and dangerous, making a material for the space shuttle in such a manner that can holds more than thousand degree temperature. After that mission the answers of those untold question can be given, as like presence of solar winds, statement given by Eugine parker about 60 years ago.

Space shuttle size as like small car but it will reveal big things, first time space shuttle nomenclature on the basis of living personality by NASA – said Thomas jurbuchen (assistance of directorate of science mission).

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